Friday, March 6, 2020

Do I Need Life Coach Certification

Do I Need Life Coach Certification Do I Need Certification to Become a Life Coach? ChaptersWhat is a Life Coach?How Does a Life Coach Become a Life Coach?Taking a Side StepOther Benefits of Life Coach TrainingPicture Cerberus, Hades’ two- or three-headed dog â€" depending on which mythology you subscribe to, preparing for a change of career: from gate guard to life coach.One head might argue that certification as a life coach is needed for credibility and accountability.The other might say: since there are no regulations or requirements for coaches to certify in the UK, why bother going through the time and expense of certifying?If you are one inclined to believe in that mythical dog having three heads, that third one might remain completely undecided, leaving the other two heads to argue it out.If you are of two minds about whether to certify yourself as a life skills coach, allow your Superprof to chime in.But first, let's consider what a life coach does?a mere 25 weeks, and the seminars you must attend in order to earn your credentials are hardly strenuous.For example, the first learning module, Fundamentals, takes only two and a half days!Other training is conducted online, either over the weekend or during the week, as your preference indicates.In total, you will spend about 200 hours earning accreditation as a life coach, with just under half of that time spent consulting with real clients.See resources for life coaches here.Also, learn how you acquire clients as a life coach here.Taking a Side StepIn the news this week, we heard of a tragic bridge collapse in Genoa and a park in the U.S. state of Connecticut where unusually high numbers of people were dying.In both instances, first responders cited compassion fatigue: the phenomenon that leads one continuously exposed to overwhelming events to lose empathy, suffering what is called secondary traumatic stress.Clearly, those people are passionate about helping others, but do they really lead a balanced life?Becoming a life coach London means setting emotional boundaries, something that every profession along the human services spectrum advocates for.Coach training emphasises your setting yourself apart from your clients as a person with needs and emotions all your own.Setting boundaries is a vital skill that you will learn in coach training.Incidentally, that same group suggests that people at risk of compassion fatigue use positive coping strategies such as meditation and relaxation.Those are the very Zen principles that life coaching embraces!Like a nice cuppa on a cold day, you can bask in the glow that having life coach certification provides Source: Pixabay Credit; Conger DesignOther Benefits of Life Coach TrainingBesides putting yourself firmly on the path that will lead you to help people, undergoing a training program to become a coach offers many other tools to help you succeed, such as:coaching techniques: how to conduct an intake interview by asking meaningful questions and how to motivate your clientscoaching tools: a life wheel, worksheets and questi onnaires â€" for you and your clientsHow to provide your clients with the motivation they need when they need ithow to overcome any obstaclehow to help others find their best lifehow to grow for life â€" through continuing education, holistic and spiritual approaches to lifeOnce you’ve attended every workshop, absorbed every part of the curriculum that makes up the training for a certified life coach, you then have the option of going even further.You may choose to undergo the certification program sponsored by the International Coach Federation.Being accredited by this body lends veracity to your efforts at helping people build a great life for themselves.Besides, it offers continuing education courses so that your credentials and knowledge base stays current!And, once you’re done credentialing...You may find a niche market for yourself: perhaps those poor, overworked, stressed out healthcare workers or first responders need help finding a healthy balance in their lives.You mig ht branch out into leadership coaching, executive coaching, wellness coaching; perhaps you might investigate becoming a business coach!What about free coaching, just to get your coaching business off the ground?You may conduct workshops or at your local community centre or group coaching at your local library!Once you have your coaching certification, the possibilities are endless...Let us now go help Cerberus, that poor, multi-headed dog at the start of our story, who wants to transition into a more satisfying field but is undecided on whether to take coaching courses.Is it necessary to obtain life coach certification?From a legal standpoint, no. There is no regulation that dictates coaching programs to be led only by someone who has undergone certification training.From the perspective of being well-equipped to do the job â€" to succeed in your new career?It is absolutely vital that you undergo a certification course and see it through to its completion.Not only to promote your co aching services and not just to specialise in any particular form of coaching; not even just so that you will be highly effective in motivating your clients through their transformational journey...But so that you yourself will be transformed!And that’s the best reason to become a credentialed life coach!

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