Thursday, April 2, 2020

Free Math Tutor Live Chat

Free Math Tutor Live ChatFree math tutor live chat is a service that allows you to talk with a math tutor over a computer and share your work with them. The tutor can also check the work on your behalf and give you advice if you have any problems with your lessons.This type of tutor has many benefits for both the tutor and the student. Students get help from someone who knows what they are doing, and are not putting their life in danger by relying on an untrained tutor. It is important to do the homework and practice whatever skills are needed to understand the material, and the tutor can also help them learn from any mistakes they may make, saving them the embarrassment of trying to cover up the mistakes.It is essential that the tutor is a good match for the student. You should ensure that he or she is competent enough to give you the kind of tutoring you need. To do this, visit several tutors on the web and see how they handle their students. If you are successful, you can look for a tutor yourself and make sure you have done your homework well and you have chosen the right tutor.Free math tutor live chat can be very helpful if you want to improve your skills in math. While you can always use other resources, such as books, you are not completely hands-on when it comes to learning and solving problems. This is where the tutoring service comes in handy, and you can learn the basics of algebra and trigonometry as well as basic addition and subtraction while sitting at home. The tutors will listen to you to work out problems, and they will then help you use your new skills to solve problems in your math class.Math teachers often have trouble getting the math students to pay attention in class, but this problem can be alleviated. The teacher can give homework and assignments to each student in class, and the students can then show up on time and complete the assignment. This gives the teacher the opportunity to talk to the students in class and encourage them to work hard and pay attention, which will lead to better grades in the future.However, you can also find online tutors for many subjects, including math. They usually work through a website or blog, which can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection. The tutor will normally post his or her lessons and workbooks online, and you can take the lessons and practice your problems without having to step into the classroom.There are many advantages to using the free math tutor live chat service. For one thing, it is convenient and much less expensive than hiring a tutor and paying for space in a classroom. The tutor will sit there all day with the same student, so it is much more relaxed than lecturing, and it will also save you the trouble of commuting, and the inconvenience of lugging a bulky laptop.However, the best advantage of the live chat service is the ability to give your problem to a tutor. This makes the math teacher's job easier because you don't have to put in the extra e ffort to hand write down the answers, but instead get a quick reply. The teacher can read your problem, work it out, and give you advice, and then you can go on to your lesson.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Square Root Formula

Square Root Formula Square root of a number or an expression is represented by a radical sign and the square root of a number means that the number is raised to an exponent of 1/2. In order to find the square root of a number, we have to find the number which when multiplied by itself gives the given number. Perfect squares are the numbers which give a perfect number when taken their square root. The square root of a number which is not a perfect square can be calculated by simplification. Example 1: What is the square root of 64? Square root of 64 can be also represented with the radical sign as 64. In order to find its value, we need to find the numbers which when multiplied by itself gives 64. 8 * 8 = 64 and we also have -8 * -8= 64. This implies that 8 multiplied by itself or -8 multiplied by itself gives 64 as the answer and 64 is the perfect square. Hence, square root of 64, which implies 64 = 8. Example 2: Simplify the square root of 48? Here 48 is not a perfect square since there is no number which can multiply by itself to give 48. So now prime factorization of 48 gives== 48 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3. This implies: 48 = (2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3) Now we can pull out the numbers which are repeating twice inside== 2 * 2 * 3. Hence 48 = 43. Therefore the simplified form of 48 = 43.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Do I Need Life Coach Certification

Do I Need Life Coach Certification Do I Need Certification to Become a Life Coach? ChaptersWhat is a Life Coach?How Does a Life Coach Become a Life Coach?Taking a Side StepOther Benefits of Life Coach TrainingPicture Cerberus, Hades’ two- or three-headed dog â€" depending on which mythology you subscribe to, preparing for a change of career: from gate guard to life coach.One head might argue that certification as a life coach is needed for credibility and accountability.The other might say: since there are no regulations or requirements for coaches to certify in the UK, why bother going through the time and expense of certifying?If you are one inclined to believe in that mythical dog having three heads, that third one might remain completely undecided, leaving the other two heads to argue it out.If you are of two minds about whether to certify yourself as a life skills coach, allow your Superprof to chime in.But first, let's consider what a life coach does?a mere 25 weeks, and the seminars you must attend in order to earn your credentials are hardly strenuous.For example, the first learning module, Fundamentals, takes only two and a half days!Other training is conducted online, either over the weekend or during the week, as your preference indicates.In total, you will spend about 200 hours earning accreditation as a life coach, with just under half of that time spent consulting with real clients.See resources for life coaches here.Also, learn how you acquire clients as a life coach here.Taking a Side StepIn the news this week, we heard of a tragic bridge collapse in Genoa and a park in the U.S. state of Connecticut where unusually high numbers of people were dying.In both instances, first responders cited compassion fatigue: the phenomenon that leads one continuously exposed to overwhelming events to lose empathy, suffering what is called secondary traumatic stress.Clearly, those people are passionate about helping others, but do they really lead a balanced life?Becoming a life coach London means setting emotional boundaries, something that every profession along the human services spectrum advocates for.Coach training emphasises your setting yourself apart from your clients as a person with needs and emotions all your own.Setting boundaries is a vital skill that you will learn in coach training.Incidentally, that same group suggests that people at risk of compassion fatigue use positive coping strategies such as meditation and relaxation.Those are the very Zen principles that life coaching embraces!Like a nice cuppa on a cold day, you can bask in the glow that having life coach certification provides Source: Pixabay Credit; Conger DesignOther Benefits of Life Coach TrainingBesides putting yourself firmly on the path that will lead you to help people, undergoing a training program to become a coach offers many other tools to help you succeed, such as:coaching techniques: how to conduct an intake interview by asking meaningful questions and how to motivate your clientscoaching tools: a life wheel, worksheets and questi onnaires â€" for you and your clientsHow to provide your clients with the motivation they need when they need ithow to overcome any obstaclehow to help others find their best lifehow to grow for life â€" through continuing education, holistic and spiritual approaches to lifeOnce you’ve attended every workshop, absorbed every part of the curriculum that makes up the training for a certified life coach, you then have the option of going even further.You may choose to undergo the certification program sponsored by the International Coach Federation.Being accredited by this body lends veracity to your efforts at helping people build a great life for themselves.Besides, it offers continuing education courses so that your credentials and knowledge base stays current!And, once you’re done credentialing...You may find a niche market for yourself: perhaps those poor, overworked, stressed out healthcare workers or first responders need help finding a healthy balance in their lives.You mig ht branch out into leadership coaching, executive coaching, wellness coaching; perhaps you might investigate becoming a business coach!What about free coaching, just to get your coaching business off the ground?You may conduct workshops or at your local community centre or group coaching at your local library!Once you have your coaching certification, the possibilities are endless...Let us now go help Cerberus, that poor, multi-headed dog at the start of our story, who wants to transition into a more satisfying field but is undecided on whether to take coaching courses.Is it necessary to obtain life coach certification?From a legal standpoint, no. There is no regulation that dictates coaching programs to be led only by someone who has undergone certification training.From the perspective of being well-equipped to do the job â€" to succeed in your new career?It is absolutely vital that you undergo a certification course and see it through to its completion.Not only to promote your co aching services and not just to specialise in any particular form of coaching; not even just so that you will be highly effective in motivating your clients through their transformational journey...But so that you yourself will be transformed!And that’s the best reason to become a credentialed life coach!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Amherst College

What is it Like to Attend Amherst College The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Yeva is earning her bachelors degree in sociology at Amherst College. She lives in Boston and specializes in algebra tutoring, calculus tutoring, chemistry tutoring, and several other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at Amherst College: Describe the campus setting and transportation options at Amherst College. Yeva: Amherst Colleges campus is small and walkable. A walk from one side of campus to the other takes about five to ten minutes. Some students have bikes, some even have scooters, but most prefer to walk. To travel to one of the four other colleges in the Amherst area, students take the bus, which is free for all college students. Students also use the bus to travel to nearby shopping centers and restaurants. Amherst is located in rural Western Massachusetts and is very safe. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Yeva:Professors are extremely accessible; students have no difficulty arranging meetings with professors and academic advisors, and they often regret not taking full advantage of the accessibility of faculty. Teaching assistants hold review sessions frequently and are available for extra tutoring if needed. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Yeva:Amherst College dorms are simply stunning. The rooms are huge and the hallways have hardwood floors. The common spaces are beautiful. You will never find even one cinderblock wall. My single room for next semester is bigger than most of the doubles I have seen at other universities. First year students live on the First Year Quad, and being close to their classmates allows them to form strong bonds with each other. Most students have an unlimited meal plan, although the dining hall is not open for as many hours as dining halls at other colleges. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported at Amherst College? Yeva:The most popular majors are economics, history, English, psychology, and political science. Amherst College also has many pre-med and pre-law students. I am majoring in sociology and I am pre-med. I am interested in learning about social structures and how they affect both individuals and people as classes. I have strong interests in both medicine and education, so I am looking to combine those interests into a fulfilling career after I graduate. Because there is a very small student-to-faculty ratio at Amherst College, professors are highly interested in supporting students and their individual goals. Amherst has an open curriculum (meaning no classes are required outside of completing a major), so students create unique curricula and professors are eager to support them. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Yeva:Because students come from all parts of the nation and the world, they are eager to meet each other and make new friends. I made many friends during orientation, which lasts for a week and includes activities such as camping, film-making, and yoga. Most students find friends in their extracurricular groups or on their sports teams. Amherst College has no Greek life at all, and I believe that has improved social life on campus very much. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Yeva:The Career Center has been extremely supportive. It has open hours for students to discuss career plans and job searches with both professional and peer career advisors. It also maintains strong connections with alumni. The Career Center has a program called Amherst Select that allows students to apply for internships and jobs that are open only to Amherst College students. It also allows students to be matched with alumni as career mentors. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Yeva:Although the libraries tend to be crowded during finals, spaces are usually easy to find. Many choose the traditional route and study in the library, but some, including me, prefer to find small study nooks in dorms, academic buildings, and the campus center. Finding the coolest study spot is an unofficial sport at Amherst. Describe the surrounding town. Yeva:Amherst is a small town that has a bustling downtown area. Downtown, youll find restaurants and shops that many students love. One famous spot is Antonios Pizza, which many claim has the best pizza in the U.S. Hampshire Mall is located a bus-ride away, and has several stores, a movie theater, laser tag, and a roller skating rink. Most students venture into town about once or twice a week, and take the bus to Hampshire Mall every one or two weeks. How big or small is the student body at Amherst College? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Yeva:Amherst College has around 1,800 students who are all undergraduates. All classes are taught by professors and class sizes are very small. My biggest lecture last year, Introductory Chemistry, had only 80 students. Social science and humanities courses often have around fifteen students or less. I love small classes because of how much discussion and individual attention there is. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Yeva:Near the beginning of my first semester at Amherst, I needed to stop by my chemistry professors office to pick up a quiz. I expected to grab the quiz and leave; after all, this was my biggest class, and I doubted the professor would even remember my name. However, my professor told me to sit down and asked me how my year was going so far. We ended up talking for almost an hour about everything from seasonal allergies to gymnastics. Then, he said, Oh! Youre here for your quiz! He helped me review the problems that I had missed and explained everything thoroughly. After this experience, I realized that coming into my professors offices would never be a waste of my time or theirs. They genuinely want to get to know their students on a personal level in addition to an intellectual level. Check out Yevas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

How to Get a Fabulous Biology Tutor on a Tight Budget

How to Get a Fabulous Biology Tutor on a Tight Budget 0SHARESShare Biology, considered as the most interesting yet difficult branch of science, the subject that amazes with facts and gives a new question with every line. You can learn biology online instead of learning it with a simple book and pencil as it needs peeping in the realities and existence of the subject matter. Class rooms may or may not be so advance to cater the complete subject study. You can’t envisage the biological structure until and unless you see how exactly it is. Hence, it is very essential to see and then study the various attributes. You can get biology help online with the online teachers. Here, you can’t just read and write, but also understand, visualize and also grasp the chapters quickly. The chapters come with audio-visual illustrations that show what you read in the texts. It helps in making a strong base of the subject that will help you not just now, but prepare you for further examinations in the long go. Online support is always available, and you can repeat the question a hundred times! Biology tutors are available on various online tutoring websites; it’s just a click away. Become a master of the subject and impress the people around you. biology tutor will take you on a trip and break the tough terminologies into simple and understandable terms. So what are you waiting for? End your curiosities with biology tutorials and become the master of the subject! [starbox id=admin]

Online Solve Inequalities Tutors

Online Solve Inequalities Tutors Inequality is the equation which has less than or greater than symbols in it i.e. and respectively. Linear inequalities is the inequalities where the degree of the variables is one. An inequality equation can contain variables, constants and exponents for the variables. There are different mathematical operations that can be used in an inequality like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Example 1: Find the solution of the inequality equation 4 x - 5 15? Solution: Given is the inequality equation with one unknown variables x. 4 x - 5 15 is a linear inequality with greater than sign. Add 5 on both sided of the equation. This gives, 4 x - 5 + 5 15 + 5; 4 x 20; Now divide the inequality by 4 on both sides of the equation. 4 x/ 4 20 /4; x 5. Hence the solution to the linear inequality is x 5. Example 2: Find the solution of the inequality equation 6 x - 8 10? Solution: Given is the inequality equation with one unknown variables x. 6 x - 8 10 is a linear inequality with lesser than sign. Add 8 on both sided of the equation. This gives, 6 x - 8 + 8 10 + 8; 6 x 18; Now divide the inequality by 4 on both sides of the equation. 6 x/ 6 16 /8; x 3. Hence the solution to the linear inequality is x 3.

A Breakdown of Your Academic Transcript

A Breakdown of Your Academic Transcript As you start applying to colleges, there are a number of materials you will need to present, one of which isyour academic transcript.You open your transcriptonly to be met with confusion. Deciphering your academic transcript can be confusing, but once you understand what each component means, your academic transcript can be quite a powerful tool for self-reflection! Format An academic transcript is typically divided into semesters. Identifying information for you and your school is generally located at the top of the transcript, with the terms you have completedincluding courses, grades, and creditsbeneath. Your class information may be displayed as follows: subject, course number, and title. The subject and course number match listings in the class catalog. This is typically the information you utilize during registration, and it is the official designator for the course. The class title (Introduction to Sociology) is its descriptive label. Your grade and the courses credits follow. This varies at each school, but it often includes the number of credits attempted, the number of credits earned, and your grade (in either letter or number format). Under each semester will be your GPA (grade point average) for that term. If you made the Deans List or otherwise received honors, this may be noted. At the very bottom of the transcript is your cumulative (or combined) GPA for all the terms you have completed at that school. The bottom of your academic transcript may also contain the certificates or degrees you have completed, as well as the term in which you completed them. Grades Understanding your grades and GPA can occasionally be difficult, especially if you are not familiar with the numerical 4-point system. In general, an A or A+ equates to a perfect 4.0, while a B is a 3.0, and a C is a 2.0. While there is some variance within this model (i.e. certain schools will identify a 4.0 as a 98 or above, while others may be more lenient), you can generally refer to this chart to determine what your grade in a class is. Rarely, you may also note a different grade, such as P/NP, W, or I, on your transcript. Generally speaking, P is Pass, while NP is No Pass, and these are awarded for non-graded courses. W usually indicates a withdrawal from a class (after the official drop date), while I is an incomplete. Once finished, an I will often change to a more traditional grade. Your course syllabi may explain these sorts of grades to you, but information can also typically be obtained from your registrar or class catalog. Your term GPA is the average of all the grades you received in a term (based on how many credits each wasa five-credit course is worth more than a one-credit class), while your cumulative GPA is the average of your grades from all your semesters at the school. Here is some usful information on how to balance grades, a social life and sleep in college. Use Now that you understand your academic transcript, you can use this valuable tool for self-reflection and evaluation. Review it, and look for themes. Do you notice that courses at a certain time of day generally benefit from higher grades? Are there subject areas with which you consistently struggled? Do you see terms where circumstances in your life (such as family issues or your health) impacted your GPA? When you can view your transcript in this way, it allows you to make changes for future terms and to become a more successful student. If you find this process difficult, anacademic mentor or atutorcan guide you through it. This is some great information on how extracurricular activities boost college success. While transcripts can be confusing, they can also be a very useful way of gaining important information about your studiesand yourself as a student.

Simplifying Equations

Simplifying Equations Equations consist of one or more than one unknown variables with different coefficients and constant numbers. Exponent is the degree of the variable in the equation. The degree of the variable can be one or more than one. Equations are the very common and used in almost every topic in mathematics. There are various mathematical operations which are used to simplify and solve equations. Example 1: Simplify and solve for x in the equation 2 x 4 = 26? Solution: Given equation is 2 x 4 = 26. Here the unknown variable which needs to be solved for is x. First step: Adding 4 on both sides of the given equation. (2 x 4) + 4 = 26 + 4. This gives 2 x = 30. Now dividing both sided of the equation by 2. This gives 2 x/ 2 = 30 / 2. This reduces the given equation to x = 15. Hence the solution is x = 15. Example 2: Simplify the equation 5 (x 2) + 6 (x + 3) + 5? Solution: Given equation is 5 (x 2) + 6 (x + 3) + 5. Here the variable is x; distributing the number in front of the braces. This gives 5 (x - 2) = 5 x 10; 6 (x + 3) = 6 x + 18. Combining the similar terms in the equation. This gives 5 x 10+ 6 x + 18 = 11 x + 8 Hence the simplified form of the equation is 11 x + 8.

Breaking the 5 Minute Beer Mile - English Listening Exercise

Breaking the 5 Minute Beer Mile - English Listening Exercise Last week we had an amazing video about running and the courage it takes to get up after a fall. This week we have another video about running and the bravery it takes to chug beer while doing it. This is crazy! Would you try this? What would happen to your body if you tried it? Watch the video and do the listening and writing exercise that go with it.Listening (The listening will be for the first 4 minutes only because after that there isnt much speaking while he is running. You can fast-forward through the laps and watch the outcome!)1. How long ago was the 4 minute mile record broken?2. How long does it take him to drink beer out of glass? a can?3. What is the key factor in the CO2 in beer?4.   Here ____ are, a new world record in the beer mile.5. What will he do if he doesnt break the record?6. In what distance do you have to drink the beer?7. How does the beer need to be consumed?8. What is the minimum alcohol content needed in the beer?9. Make sure you have a _______   _____.Wo uld you ever do this? Why or Why not? What is the most unusual race that you know about in your country?Did you like this exercise? Check out our other running-related listening exercise.